Because our website exists to support the Hope Without Walls Podcasts, we only have three questions that regularly 'pop' up.
If your question is not one of these, just get in touch using our
contact form. Thanks!
Why is there no contact address?
Answer: This is a virtual space and we do not have any physical premises. We are not a trading entity.
On our contact form we provide the option to request a response, and if the response warrants written or telephone contact that can be arranged.
Who are the musicians and bands that feature in the podcasts?
Answer: All our musicians freely provide their music for your enjoyment and to assist in Christian reflection. They are drawn from a wide variety of church worship bands.
Each podcast includes information on the musician and/or church and/or band.
If you are interested in offering pre-recorded music of yourself or your band, please use out contact form.
Who are the speakers?
Our speakers come form a wide variety of backgrounds. Some are regular contributors to their physical church services. Some are connected in some way to a physical church. Some are independent folk and all have a strong belief in Christianity. All have real life experience and our aim is to provide real life contemporary examples to support God's work in our society.
Each podcast introduces the speaker and the amount of information provided depends upon the wishes of the speaker.
If you think that you would like to become involved please contact us with some background information.
Website last updated 13 October 2023
© 2021 - 2023 Hope Without Walls